Healthy Alcohol Market
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  • Monthly newsletter. Sign up here for this free resource.
  • “Issue Briefs, 2013, Brief Explanations of Common Alcohol Regulatory Issues Facing State and Local Communities”
  • “Safe and Sound, How the Three-tier System of U.S. alcohol Regulations Helps Ensure Safe Products and Protects against Revenue Loss.”
  • Recent resources for attorneys.

Matthew 17:20 ...if you have faith as a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you.

Current Projects: Mustard Seed Housing facilities

Contact Brian Johnson, Manager, for information about rentals: 602-214-3537.
We rent these apartments on the open market and anyone seeking housing is invited to apply. They are good choices for those in alcohol/drug recovery because they are aggressively managed to prevent disturbances involving substance abuse and the presence of illegal drugs. Recovery group meetings are within walking distance of the apartment complex.

  • Highland Villa Apartments, 1110 E. Highland Avenue, Phoenix, Arizona 85029